Who exactly is Maxwell Dichi, age, education and career?

Maxwell Dichi
Maxwell Dichi

Maxwell Dichi is a Botswana actor based in South Africa born on the 5th of October 1985. He is well known for playing the role of Seretse on Muvhango. He is also an entrepreneur and a director.

Biography profile of Maxwell Dichi

Full name : Maxwell Dichi
Gender : Male
Age : 37 years old
Date of birth : 5th October 1985
Place of birth : Gaborone, Botswana
Nationality : Botswana
Occupation : actor, entrepreneur and director
Height : 178cm
Social media : Instagram and Facebook

Early life of Maxwell Dichi

Maxwell Dichi (age -37 years old) was born on the 5th of October 1985. He was born at Tlokweng, Gaborone in Botswana. Nothing much is known about her early life or background information yet. Updates will be made as soon as we find the information.

Education of Maxwell Dichi and other skills

Maxwell is adesigner with a Degree in multimedia who is qualified. His area of expertise is web design, but he also love making videos. Acting is a current interest. In the capital of Botswana, he also own a fashion and clothing company. In the event that you are a Motswana translator, their native tongue is Tswana. He enjoy playing basketball and reading. He is eager to interact with and meet new individuals.

Maxwell Dichi
Maxwell Dichi

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Acting Career of Maxwell Dichi

The actor made his television debut as Seretse on Muvhango and has since appeared on episodes like Generations the Legacy. The celebrity was formerly the Head of Faculty at one of Limkokwing University of Creative Technology’s media schools.

When he got a job on Muvhango, he surprised many by going into the television business. Prior to that, he appeared in an Orange Botswana advertisement. He has also participated in the acting television program Signed International. During weekends, the program used to air on Botswana television. Dichi is a model who has posed for well-known companies like Room 52.

There was a Steve Harvey Presidential Initiative in 2019. The businessman and expert in film and television visited Botswana as part of a presidential call and met with Bw creatives. A few media creatives would be under Steve Harvey’s wing, he promised. By chance, he was selected with television and radio host Neo Skillo Aabobe. The two were to complete an internship with Steve Harvey’s well-known game show Family Feud. He nevertheless performed both his work and his duties for Muvhango simultaneously. One of his career highlights was something he said.

In an interview with Weekendpost, he reflected on his time before joining Muvhango in 2019, saying that he was unaware that he was auditioning for the program. Later on, he understood this.

Maxwell Dichi
Maxwell Dichi while acting

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Personal life of Maxwell Dichi

Maxwell is a young husband and father of one who wed a stunning Italian woman. He is making an effort to become used to the contemporary expectations of parenting. He is discovering the wonders of motherhood every day and talking to his friends about it. a skilled multimedia designer and full-time business owner who enjoys reading and exercising. According to him, he wants to maintain his personal life and family by staying alert, focused, and healthy.

The post Who exactly is Maxwell Dichi, age, education and career? appeared first on Soapie Celebs.

Source: Soapieteasers.co.za


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